Overnight Winter Parking Ban in Chicago.

Chicagoans know to be on the lookout for signs stating No Parking when snow is over 2”
but many drivers miss the signs declaring the Overnight Winter Parking Ban in Chicago.


Chicago Parking snowThe department of Streets and Sanitation, who are tasked with keeping our streets clear, posted this notice reminding residents of the new law. Since most Chicagoans are not fortunate enough of having a garage, or even off-street parking for their car, most of us have to drive up and down the streets searching for a legal space. These sports can be tricky to find in the summer; but near impossible once winter parking restrictions kick-in. On their website the City of Chicago states:
In order to ensure that the most critical roadways in Chicago are kept open to full capacity at all times, the City of Chicago instituted and vigorously enforces a Winter Overnight Parking Ban on 107 miles of vital arterial streets from 3 am to 7 am between December 1st and April 1st, regardless of snow.

Motorists who ignore this permanently posted seasonal tow zone face a $150 towing fee (minimum) in addition to a $60 ticket and an initial $25 daily storage fee.

Many long-time Chicago residents will read vigorously enforces as just another way for the city to collect money. When you add up the cost of towing, tickets, and storage fees it’s likely drivers to end-up with a bill of $235 just to get their vehicle back. This is on top of the expense and inconvenience of missing work and travel costs require to pick-up their car.


Winter Snow Parking Restrictions

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