
night-chicago-sr22-insuranceSR22 Insurance, is a type of auto insurance that is often misunderstood by people in search of car insurance. Failing to file SR-22 when required to do so by the court, will result in your driver’s license being suspended or revoked as well as a large fine. Because of the large number of questions, below you will find answers to some of the most common SR22 questions.

What is an SR-22?

SR22 can be known by several different names. You might hear the car insurance called “financial responsibility insurance;” or referred to this type of “car insurance” as SR-22, or FR Filing , Some people  just call it “Filing” insurance. These terms can be used interchangeably.

The “SR” in SR22, comes from the name of the form the state of Illinois requires- Safety Responsibility”. The important thing to remember is the need to have your insurance agent file the sr22 form with the Secretary of State’s office.

How is SR-22 different from Car Insurance?

SR-22 is similar to standard auto liability insurance, with the key difference being that your insurance company files an SR-22 form with the state on your behalf. This form is mandated by the state to verify that you meet the minimum amount of auto liability coverage required by law. Most car insurance policies do not include sr22 since most drivers are not under court order to provide such a form.  Drivers who have been involved in certain violations, such as DUIs, driving without insurance, or other serious infractions typically need submit proof.

Car insurance, on the other hand, refers to the policy itself that provides financial protection for liability, damages, or injuries resulting from accidents. While the SR-22 is simply a document filed with the state by your insurance provider, the car insurance policy is what provides the actual coverage.


Do I need an SR-22?

People whose license is under suspension by the Illinois Department of Motor vehicles need an SR22 Filing to reinstate their license. The are a variety of reason that you might be required to show proof of SR-22 filing, they include: drunk driving violations (DWI); suspensions from unpaid fines or parking violations; having an accident without car insurance; or having your license suspended for failing the emissions test.

Not everyone needs SR22 insurance. Typically, Safety Responsibility it is required by the court only for certain driving-related violations. Examples include: DUI convictions, reckless driving, accidents caused by uninsured drivers. If you need an SR-22, the courts or your state Motor Vehicle Department will notify you.

Get Started Today

Request an auto insurance quote online, or call 312-664-8088.

If you prefer have one of our auto insurance agents call you.

Our friendly and professional auto insurance agents are available to talk to you Monday – Friday from 8:00A – 6:00P
Urban Insurance Agency, LLC / 915 W Huron St # C105 / Chicago, IL 60642

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