google self driving car accident rate

Programming morality into driverless cars.

Driverless cars are reaching the consumer market. We have all read articles and seen videos discussing the coming age of autonomous vehicles, and the promise of a dramatic decline in auto accidents-clearly good news. It is easy to marvel at the algorithms and equipment designed to allow a car to safely navigate down streets filled with obstacles; however an interesting question arises when it bec...
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Self-driving car accidents, are the roads ready for autonomous autos?

Google has been heavily promoting their experimental autonomous autos as the near-future’s answer to safer roads. With 11 self-driving car accidents, some people are asking the question, are these cars safe enough for public use? First let’s look at the basic data behind these accidents. California has 48 “self-driving cars,” in the past six months 4 of them have been in an auto accident; as a...
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